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God revealed Himself to her and healed the sick through her prayers

After Ruth’s father passed on when she was 12 years old, she became socially withdrawn. A friend reached out to offer comfort and told her about Jesus but she was unconvinced though intrigued. She joined Bible study sessions and church but was still filled with doubts.

One day, God invaded her heart. Ruth was overwhelmed with burning questions about Christianity and called someone from her cell group for answers. She drew a conclusion that the God of Christianity is either real or an absolute fake. Her questions posed difficulties for her friend who decided to pray and ask God to speak and reveal Himself to her.

At that point of prayer, Ruth saw a cross and a fire in her mind.

While she did not understand what it meant, a thought she knew was not of her own came to mind: “I choose to reveal Myself to the people who have faith through the Word.” And that was the start of Ruth’s journey with God. As she started talking to Jesus daily, an unexplainable peace and joy filled her heart.

Like a close relationship one would have with a friend or a father who shares things of their heart, listens attentively, and grants one’s pleas, Ruth experienced and witnessed God’s healing upon the people around her as she interceded and prayed for them.

For instance, one month before an episode of a heart attack Ruth’s grandmother received Christ. Ruth had laboured in prayer for her grandmother’s salvation for close to 8 years. When her grandmother was in the ICU with breathing difficulties, she was empowered to pray and cry out to Jesus for help on her own. The very next day, her condition improved and was transferred to an intermediate ward from ICU. She subsequently survived the heart attack.

Another incident was when an ex-colleague of hers told her that she was pregnant with her third child. This colleague also shared that she had lost her second child to a miscarriage. However, the very next day, her ex-colleague shared that she was experiencing irregular spotting. Ruth began to pray and claim Jesus, the God of resurrection, to keep the child alive. Shortly after, her friend was rushed to hospital where her baby’s heartbeat was still detected. Her child is now aged 4.

To Ruth, praying is never a chore nor a religious duty. It is about building a relationship with God and knowing that coming to God and calling upon Him can be candidly her! Ruth’s intimacy with God and faith in His power allowed her to be the vessel of God’s healing. As she stood in the gap and prayed, people around her received the power and love of God in a very tangible and miraculous way.

The God of Ruth can be the God of yours too.

In her own words,

“Prayer to God is just talking to Him, it is never a chore.
He is as real as your daily life,
He is the God that can be trusted in the darkest time.”

Are you hoping to grow your prayer life and make a difference in your family and spheres of influence God has given you? Look out for suitable workshops here


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