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Every believer a life giver

You have been called to live in intimacy with the Holy Spirit!

Who We Are

We are a ministry of believers passionate to equip fellow Christ-followers to walk in intimacy with God, through a vibrant prayer life and empowered by Holy Spirit.

Why We Exist

Our vision is to see Christians be rooted in intimacy with God-the

Giver of all life, to be a life-giver in this world.

What We Do

We desire to equip Christians with tools to live in intimacy with God, and live empowered by Holy Spirit. Our trainings will help believers root themselves in God through a richer prayer life and communion with the Holy Spirit. 

Characteristics of a Life-Giving Believer

Modelled after Proverbs and Psalm 1, we hope to help God’s children root themselves in the Lord, to be a tree that gives life to others. To be a person with quiet confidence; who does not fear; who trusts and fears only God. To be a person who speaks life and builds others up through words and action.

Workshops & Retreats

Course Dates

5 Jun 2023

Course Timing

7.30pm-9.30pm (SGT)

Basic Dream Interpretation

Are you a dreamer? Come and find out what these dreams from God means.


Pay as You Can

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Course Timing


Finding Rest in a Restless World

This workshop aims to highlight some possible reasons for the restlessness within us and suggest practical steps to live rooted in life and biblical rest.


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Understanding and Growing in the Prophetic

God promised in His word (Acts 2:17-18) that He would pour out His Spirit upon all in these last days and all will prophesy.


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Keys to Living in favor of God

God is impartial and doesn’t have favorites. And yet, when we look through Scripture and we will find ordinary people whom God chose to get up close and personal with. They were individuals whom God used in a particularly powerful way and they had His anointing, protection, and extraordinary blessings. So what can you and I do to get in God’s “inner circle?” The workshop will provide some handles on how we can be singled out for His purposes and blessings.


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Drop us a message through our email or contact form and we would be in touch with you!


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